So much to say and so little time so here it goes!!!
I have loved this week so much because I have really recognized the Spirit working through me. The words just come out and I feel like I am speaking to the people we are teaching specifically. Something I always have loved is the phrase, If you are teaching and you learn something, you know the Spirit is working through you. We were teaching Julio, he went to the Priesthood session, and I just straight up told him, It doesn’t matter what we think or hat we need to do. When the Lord tells us to do something we do it. I was a little surprised when it came out of my mouth but it was what he needed to hear. I truly am just trying to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord to do HIS work.
So I have been reading past conferences in my personal study, and one talk that was on prayer really stuck out to me. If we want our prayers to work, we need to ACT. We cannot just ask for something and expect to do nothing. We need to live our prayers. I don’t know if that really makes sense but it does to me! It is like medicine, if we don’t use it as directed we won’t be healed and won’t get the results we want.
MILAGRO. So the second counselor in our Bishopric and his wife are just awesome. Always willing to work with us and visit with us. So Hno. Eduardo visited Julio and his family with us. Now Julios dad is a member (but he didn’t know it because he got baptized when he was 8 and forgot?) and his mom is catholic. Well Hno. Eduardo really opened their hearts. It was incredible to be there. He started talking about how Christ asked Peter Do you love me? Then Feed my Sheep. He told Hno. Freddy that he has that same responsibility specifically for his children and how he is the example. The Spirit was definitely there testifying to both of them of what they should do. Then Hna. Lydia opened up to us. She told us that she feels something special every time we come and she knows what she needs to do is go to church with us. It was awesome!! I was so happy and grateful for Hno. Edurado in that moment. He truly helped her open up to us.
So a less active member in our ward is deaf so nobody understand him and he doesn’t understand anyone so I took on the challenge of learning sign language in Spanish. He is teaching me :) During our Gospel Principles, we learned about the Spirit World and I taught it to him in signs... kind of. He understood what I was saying. It was so cool and I could tell he was so happy that someone could communicate with him. I still have a lot to learn but I like it a lot :)
This Sunday, I realized how much I love these people. This is my home ward now. I know the people and they know me. The little kids always come and give me hugs and the members are always saying hello to us. Even people who are just on the street always say hello to me (i kind of stand out!). San Felipe has really become a special place in my heart. I am so grateful to be here and working with them here :)
Randomness from my week:
We celebrated Hna. Toribias birthday with her!! So much fun :)
I was called a princess in a prayer this week.... (Smiles)
"We are unaware of hosts of blessings that we receive from day to day"
- Elder Cook
I love you all!! Take care! xoxoxoxo
Hna. Kira Webster
Happy Birthday Hna Toribias |
Kira and Hna Ison |
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